Saturday, December 10, 2011

How About An Update?!

Luckily, this semester is almost over, and I will possibly update more often.

On a positive note: This semester has been amazing, and I have grown SO much as a pre-service teacher! I have never worked harder for anything in my life!! I also have not seen God move so much in my life. He has brought amazing friends and teachers into my life to support and pour into me. He has also showed me exactly what he wants from me! I am so excited to enter the Deaf Ed/Special Ed world soon!!!

Here are some of our Christmas pictures (that I have yet to turn into Christmas cards! ha!):


Love that swing! :)

Those dimples make me smile!

Mistletoe! ;)

In the words of JZP: "Fierce!"

Ahhh that wedding band!!!

A truly sweet moment!

Laughter fills our home daily! I'm so glad Jillian captured this moment!

Visit her website to see more of her pictures OR like her Jillian Zamora Photography facebook page!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Yess yess! Stressed spelled backwards is me, I've been eating my fair share of chocolate covered strawberries lately!

I have so enjoyed my first semester of student teaching/observation!! I LOVED the teachers I was with and am sad to see the end (don't get me wrong, the light at the end of the tunnel is a beautiful thing)!! I've spent the last 8 weeks at Cross Oaks Elementary. My teacher friends there warned me that I would fall in love with it! Guess what?! I did! Today I practically gave myself an ulcer at the thought of never seeing those teachers, friends, and students again. Luckily, I know that won't happen.

A few minutes ago, I turned in my preferences for next semester. Oh my was this stressful! How do you say no to some teachers and yes to others?! What happens if some how you end up with all of the teachers that you marked as no?! That would S-U-C-K! But I have to remember that I will learn no matter where I am, who I'm with, and whether the teacher is effective or not. God has me in His hands and is in control of my life. He knows my potential. He knows where is best for me. I have to continue to trust in His Will and rejoice in His truth! I know that He is my Provider!

Now, I will continue to pray that I will end up with the two teachers that I feel will best continue my education and support me along this journey. I have to pray that I will be placed in the school where I have the potential of getting hired! It is all in Your Will, oh Lord!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another Fast Update

I think that fast updates are all my blog can be right now. I'm just TOO. EXHAUSTED. Here it goes.

  1. I LOVE my second school! I'm actually hoping to stay there next semester!! I loved first grade during my first grade, but now I am loving fifth grade and shadowing an inclusion specialist! I can only pray I will stay with them next semester!
  2. The Rangers and the Cardinals are in the World Series (like you didn't know). I'm from Texas. Trevor is a die-hard Cards fan. I'm staying out of it. ; )
  3. I'm subbing high school tomorrow. In fact, I only sub in high school. I just love interacting with the high school students!! It's always fun to sub at your old high school!
  4. Thanksgiving is approximately one month away! I love the holiday season and cannot wait to have an entire week off with my handsome husband. I have a few surprises up my sleeve for him!!
  5. I want to run so bad and yet I have no time. I'm practically sleep-typing this! I must be getting old! ; )
  6. Marley's birthday party was last weekend!! Pictures and video to come as soon as I have time to upload them. Sophie's party is this weekend!

Psalm 121:1
I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Where I'm From Poem

For my Literacy Methods course, we were asked to create a Where I'm From poem (original idea was from George Ella Lyon-who we got to see a few weeks ago). Let me just tell you, I do NOT like poetry! I am not good at writing poetry and I do not prefer to read poetry. HOWEVER, I really enjoyed this writing process and the results of this poem, thus why I am sharing it with all of you!

Where I'm From

I am from ten years of test tubes and Mama's answered prayer
Iam from beautiful blonde curls and zerburts, giggles, and big cheek smiles
I am from white picket fences and "supper's on the table"
I am from elaborate Easter gowns and bows as big as my head
I am from Daddy's at the pulpit and we're sleepin' in the pews

I am from Monday McDonald's and Saturday morning donuts
I am from basketball game side lines and Friday night lights
I am from extravagant Sunday dinners and an extended family of concregants
I am from “belly buttons and butterflies”
I am from Grandpa's pennies and Grandma's chewing gum
I am from Daddy's little girl knowls who's in charge
I am from short sheeted beds and stolen toys
I am from "Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed by Thy Name"
I am from Lone Star summers and Cowboys on Thanksgiving
I am from bluebonnet photography and hummingbird feeders
I am from sweatin' bullets - "but it is a dry heat"
I am from America by birth but Texas by the grace of God

I am from oversized portions and Mama's weekly feasts
I am from late night snacks and after school meals
I am from Daddy says I'm beautiful but people's looks don't lie
I am from images in the mirror of an overweight teenage girl
I am from images in the mirror of an overweight teenage girl
I am from counting the numbers on a scale, praying they are in the right order
I am from running water to hide the sound - it doesn't taste as good the second time around
I am from wiping tears and hiding the evidence
I am from looks aren't everything but it's not always that easy
I am from a broken heart and a hospital bed
I am from "you had me at get lost" --ummmm, let's just be friends
I am from Easter Sunday kisses and dead battery delieveries
I am from Yogurt Story breakups and yep, it's a sign
I am from P.S. I Love You ending fifteen times
I am from counting the days and handwritten letters
I am from crumbly cookies and "You must be Tiffany Joy!"
I am from Marine Corps birthdays and ball gown dresses
I am from "let me see your ring" to sparklers at the getaway
I am from living evily hafter apper with my personal Prandsome Hince

I am from where I've been, but nowhere near the end -- riding into the sunset with my very best friend

Happy birthday, Miss Marley!!

I am so excited and shocked that Marley has turned 1 today! It seems like just a few short months ago that I was jolted awake at 4:30 in the morning to phone calls, text messages, and the excitement of another baby on the way!! Rushing to the hospital and walking into the room right after she was born was such an excitement for me! I've enjoyed my nephews (Eli and Isaac) so much and yet it was such a joy to welcome this sweet little baby girl into the world!

Seriously, this child is the happiest baby on the planet! Even when she is sick, she is so joyful! She's smiley and full of laughter all the time!

She has just grown so much this year!

Marley, I am so blessed to be your Aunt Kiffidy! You have filled me and the rest of the family with such joy and happiness with your laughter and cuddles! I cannot wait for another year, more smiles, more growth, and more hair bows! I love you!

What's up with the Sewell's!?

Things have been absolutely crazy around our house lately!! Trevor is somewhat shifting gears and preparing for flight school. He's begun to read the books and try to get ahead of the game. I'm so excited for the adventure about to begin. I have a feeling I will have a difficult time adjusting, but this is the Lord's will and He never leaves us!

Trevor has also begun working for my brother, Ben! This is somewhat of a shift since he was working nights for Party Animals. HOWEVER, because of the horrible allergies that he has this time of the year, he is beginning to do real estate recruitment for my brother! I'm excited for this opportunity for him and thrilled that they get along so well!

My focus right now is ONLY ONLY ONLY on school. I am in my school two days a week (which I love! I often miss my kids when I'm not there!) and I am at UNT the other two days. I've been subbing on Fridays or working on lesson plans and projects. Truly, if I can survive this year and my first year of teaching, I'm pretty sure I can handle anything!

I haven't been working on any crafts lately simply because I have been so incredibly busy, however, here are a few of the projects to come! :)

Since I'm in the mindset of my classroom, we'll start with this one! Who knows what classroom I'll be in, where it will be, or when it will be, BUT I absolutely must make this and it must be displayed there!
Eli and Isaac made works of art that were vary similar for their playroom! They really enjoyed it so I may have them help me with this! I'd love to have two or three of these! :)

I'm also wanting to make a couple headband holders because I have SO many headbands and bows! I'll probably do somehting similar to this with a teal motif similar to our bathroom style.

I am in major need of a cookbook! I haven't decided if I'm going to make one similar to this like I did for my mom a few Christmas's ago or if I'll create a book on shutterfly. Because I am trying a lot of recipes often, I may start out with something like this and work my way up to printed books!

I also have a few big painting projects coming (baskets, table, chairs, and a console table), but that's probably going to be saved for Thanksgiving or Christmas break.

I also have another wreath planned but I'm keeping this one a secret!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Our "S" Wall

Practically since we have moved into this house, I've had a vision for this "S" Wall. We decided from the very beginning that if we were going to have our initials around the house, they would have to be all in one place! Thus the "S" Wall! I found the letters all over the place and we also painted some. I had Eli and Isaac each finger paint one and they did phenomenal!! We love how it turned out!!

P.S. If you read my blog, please hit follow! I'd really appreciate it!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Quick Updates

I have been so crazy busy with school and spending time with the love of my life that I have not had a lot of time to update my blog! :) Soon and very soon, I'll be making some changes to the blog-there may be some construction, but I'll keep everyone posted along the way! Here is a quick update on our lives:

  • Student teaching is going great! I find myself passing the school when I have class days at UNT wishing I was at the school with the kids!! So far I'm loving the younger grades. I really think it all depends on the mentor teacher though. 
  • I'm working on my certification now! Practice tests start in a few weeks! Prayers please!
  • Trevor is loving his work with the lawyer and for Party Animals! I think he is getting a little worn down though because it is such long hours. He took a few days off this week to recover. It was super nice to have him around. 
  • We started a new Sunday School class at FBCD-Nearly, Newly, and Beyond! Everyone meets together at first for breakfast and then we split into Marriage and Parenting. We are just loving it! We love our leaders and are excited to make new friends!
  • My house looks like a junior high student's room...BUT instead of cleaning, I'm blogging!
  • I've started Christmas festivities! :) I've got all sorts of new plans and I'm ready! Christmas in Cowtown is coming and I couldn't be more excited!
  • Our "S" Wall is almost done! You should be seeing a reveal in the next day or two! I can't wait!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Looking to the Future!

In nine months, I will be graduating from the University of North Texas with a degree in Early Childhood through 6th grade education. I've known since kindergarten (or earlier) that I wanted to be a teacher just like my favorite kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Nicholas! When I was ten years old, God called me to Deaf Education. Though I have run away from His ultimate plan several times, He always brings me back to His will for my life.

At the moment, my plan (and the Lord's plan as I believe it to be) is to graduate from UNT and go straight into my masters through a distance learning program at TWU for Deaf Education. As I've been doing my student teaching, I've been thinking about how excited I am to get into my own classroom (I haven't always felt this way)! Trevor has mentioned a Christian K-12 school in Pensacola a few times to me, but this last time it really stuck in my head. Today I got online and looked at the school. Not only do they follow the same program that I was taught with at Liberty Christian, but the creators of the program are the founders of the school! I'm just getting more excited about the idea!

The thought of being a school environment surrounded by other Christians is so uplifting and exciting to me! I've decided to go ahead and begin the process of preparing a portfolio and resume full of recommendation letters!! It's time to begin praying for this job as well! AND praying for the possible children that I may be responsible for eleven months from now!

Please join me as I seek the Lord for direction in this adventure! I'm so excited at the possibility of working at Pensacola Christian! It is Your Will, O God!

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for Denton ISD! I am so thrilled that I got to spend my first day at Evers in first grade! I had such a wonderful day. It was quite busy and my feet are beginning to tell me just how much I did today! I'm still not sure what I really want to do and what the Lord is calling me to do, but I do know that this is going to be a great year!!!

I do realize that I haven't posted in awhile. I'll try to do better, but for now! I have to balance my new 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. work schedule!

Monday, July 25, 2011

These are a Few of my Favorite Things....Food

Trevor and I pride ourselves on being a bit of foodies! We both LOVE to cook and try new things as well as go to new restaurants and critique our meals. Lately, we've been working really hard to save money. One way we can save money is by eating at home. Y'all saw my menu board that I made recently and my new couponing adventure. I really think the menu board is going to help me to buy exactly what we need and not much else.

Here are a few of my favorite foods right now:

  • Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse's Barbeque Brisket Quesadillas 
  • Sushi Cafe Denton's Tempura and Lobster sushi rolls (I could go for a roll right now!)
  • #9 Tacos from Tin Star
  • And a Berry Pecan cupcake from Sugar Queen Cupcakes
These all seem a bit silly, but they all are so amazing. I highly suggest trying them at some point.

I've had a lot of people lately asking for some of the recipes I use when cooking at home. I'm kind of shocked, because I mostly just play around with food until it tastes good. I've been asked so much for recipes lately that I am now going to start including my new creations on here!

Here are a few that have been requested the most:

Pizza Bubbles (an all time favorite for Trevor and I)

  • 2 cans of Pillsbury biscuits
  • Pepperoni (I use turkey pepperoni)
  • Approximately 1 pound of sausage (I use Jenny O Italian Turkey Sausage)
  • 16-20 oz. of Mozzarella cheese
  • 1 jar Marinara sauce (or homemade if you prefer)
  • 1 stick of butter or Margarine 
  • 2 Tbsp. Italian seasoning
  • Garlic (I can't give you a precise measurement here...we like our garlic!)
  1. First, brown the sausage and cut the mozzarella into approximately 1 inch chunks.
  2. Preheat your oven to 350F.
  3. Open the crescent rolls and smash into large, round circles. 
  4. Take a small amount of garlic and rub in the center of each biscuit. Place 5-6 pepperoni slices and a scoop full of sausage in the center of the biscuit. Place 2-3 chunks of mozzarella in with the pepperoni and sausage. 
  5. Melt your butter and mix with 2 Tbsp. Italian seasoning and approximately 1 Tbsp. of garlic (you can add as much or as little of garlic as you prefer). 
  6. Create a "bubble" with each biscuit by pinching the edges together at the top. 
  7. Dip each "bubble" in the butter sauce and place in a greased baking stone. 
  8. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese (what we call "shaker cheese").
  9. Bake on 350F for 30-40 minutes.
  10. Use the marinara sauce to dip the pizza bubbles in or spread it on top of the pizza bubbles. (I prefer to dip my pizza bubbles)
  11. Enjoy!!! 
Here's another one of our favorites: Stuffed Peppers!

I have a few variations of this recipe, but I'll just stick to the basics! (For variation, I will add Mexican corn or black beans to the stuffing.)
  • 5-6 Green Peppers
  • 1 pound of ground beef (I also use leen ground turkey to be a little healthier)
  • 2 cups of shredded cheese
  • 1 package of 90 second microwave Mexican rice (do not microwave!)
  • 1 can of Rotel diced tomatoes with jalapenos 
  • Mexican corn or black beans if you'd like
  1. Preheat your oven to 400F. 
  2. Clean and cut the centers out of the green peppers. Once you have done this, make sure you have removed all of the seeds (otherwise, you are in for a spicy surprise!!!)
  3. Brown 1 pound of ground beef (or turkey)
  4. After meat is browned, pour in 1 package of 90 second microwave Mexican rice, 1 can of Rotel diced tomatoes with jalapenos, and corn and black beans if desired. 
  5. Once you have mixed this all together, pour 2 cups of shredded cheese.
  6. After your cheese has melted. Stuff each pepper to the brim with the mixture. You can add a slice of cheese on top if you like a lot of cheese! 
  7. Bake in the oven on 400F for 30-45 minutes or until the stuffing browns. 
  8. Enjoy!!! 
 Chicken Spaghetti (this is a new favorite for us, but it is WONDERFUL!)

  • 3-4 large boneless chicken breasts (I use a large rotisserie chicken breast-it's easier)
  • 1 can (10 3/4 oz) Cream of Chicken soup
  • 1 can (10 oz) Rotel Diced Tomatoes with Green Chillies
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder 
  • 1/2 tsp. onion powder
  • 1 Tbsp. margarine or butter
  • 1 (8 oz) Velveeta cheese-cubed
  • 8 oz. spaghetti noodles or angel hair noodles, cooked and drained
  • Shredded cheese (optional)
  1. Pull the chicken apart into small pieces (or dice the raw chicken breasts into small chunks). 
  2. Preheat oven to 350F.
  3. In a large skillet, melt your margarine or butter. Add your garlic and onion powder. Also add your raw chicken chunks (if you use a rotisserie chicken like me, wait to put the chicken in until the sauce is ready).
  4. In the skillet, stir in the Velveeta chunks, Cream of Chicken soup, and Rotel tomatoes. Once the Velveeta cubes are melted, add the rotisserie chicken. 
  5. Stir in 8 oz. of cooked and drained spaghetti or angel hair noodles. 
  6. Once it is all mixed together, pour into a lightly greased 13 x 9 pan (lasagna pan)
  7. Spread a thin layer of grated cheese of the mixture (optional)
  8. Bake at 350F for 30 minutes.
  9. Enjoy!! 
I have more recipes to share, but this is plenty for now!! Be watching for my Lemon cupcakes with Blackberry and Raspberry icings, Blackberry/Raspberry Cobbler, and Twice Baked Caramel Apple Crisp!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Monthly Menu Board

I love to cook for my sweet husband! I do not like the stress of planning out the meals however. With my decision to try couponing, I wanted to do something for meal planning that would make it a bit easier on me and save us some money!! This was my idea:
With this new magnetic menu calendar, I can plan a month in advance, AND I can see when coupons come out that apply to my meal plans! Similar ideas that I had seen were smaller and seemed A LOT more difficult. I did decide that I wanted to do more than just the main course. I printed out all of my main course items, side items, and desserts and then put them on cute scrapbook paper. I LOVE how it turned out and Trevor likes it too! :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reasons I Love Him!!

I love crafting!! I just completed my newest project! I found this from pinterest and loved the idea. Here was the original picture I found and pinned:

I love this idea, because as we slip into the routine of our daily lives, it can become hectic! We don't take the time to tell our spouse why exactly we love them!! Trevor has been working A LOT lately so I thought this would be great for us! I had the perfect frame and the perfect place between our vanity mirrors for this! I did mine a little different, but it still works the same! Here is my final product:

We have teal, black, silver, and white in our bathroom. For this project, I really wanted to accent the teal color. Tonight when Trevor gets home from work, I'll have a note for him waiting! :) I think this frame is going to be a great thing for us! :) Plus, it really gets you coming up with all the reasons you love your spouse!!